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Tool Steel H13

Grade Summary: Tool Steel H13 is a chromium, molybdenum, vanadium hot work tool steel which is has high hardenability and excellent toughness, this is due to the fact that the material contains molybdenum and vanadium which are strengthening agents. The chromium content  of H-13 resists softening when at high temperatures. H-13 has a good combination of shock and abrasion resistance, and good red hardness.  This material can withstand rapid cooling and it resists premature heat checking. H-13 has good machinability, weldability and good ductility.

1. Forging: Heating for forging has to be done slowly and uniformly. Soak through at 1900°-2000°F reheat as needed, stopping work if the temperature drops below 1650°F. After forging, cool slowly in lime, mica, dry ashes or furnace. Always anneal H-13 after forging.

2. Anneal: Heat slowly to 1550°-1650°F, hold temperature until the  entire mass is heated through, then cool slowly in the furnace (40°F per hour) to about 1000°F, after this the cooling rate can be increased. Suitable precautions must be taken to prevent excessive carburization or decarburization.

3. Stress Relief of Unhardened Material: When desirable to relieve the strains of machining, heat slowly to 1050°-1250°F, allow to equalize, then cool in air.

4. Hardening:

  • Preheat: Warm slightly before charging into the preheat furnace (the furnace should be operating at 1400°-1500°F).
  • Harden: H13 steel has very high hardenability and should be hardened by cooling in air. Use a salt bath or controlled atmosphere furnace to minimize decarburization, or alternatively (if not available) pack hardening in spent pitch coke . The temperature used is typically 1800°-1850°F, depending on size.
  • Quench: Quench in still air or dry air blast. If complicated forms are involved, an oil quench could be used. Quench part in oil and remove from bath when it just loses its color (1000°-1100°F). Finish cooling to below 150°-125°F in air, temper immediately.
  • Temper: Tempering may vary with size and end use; usually performed in the range of maximum secondary hardness or higher. Double tempering is recommended.

Typical Chemical Analysis: * C – .32/.45 *Mo – 1.1/1.75 *P – .03 *S – .03 Max. *Si – .80/1.2 *Mg – .2/.5 *V – .8/1.2

* Chemical Analysis will vary on each heat number

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